Friday, February 17, 2012

All Good Things...

Thank you to everyone who has supported my efforts to make a few dollars. I think it is time for me to stop this. The more people I tell about it, more people seem to be upset by it.

As you know, images were taken from the internet and I manipulated them to make them look okay on a 1920 x 1080 screen, which is currently HDTV's highest resolution. Yes, the images are of women and a few military airplanes but I believed that some of you would give me "direction" to what you would like in desktop imagery. Alas, I only got two requests and nothing else.

Though the people that seemed the most upset are the people who I expected to give me ideas for different types of images but it is easier to complain than to help these days.

I'll leave what has been done up for a week or two and then it will be gone. If you know who I am and want the collection that I have created, please contact me FB or email. I'll get them to you.

If you are wondering how much money was collected, actually the total sum from Google is 0.00. I never hit the $100 point. That's the minimum amount for a check from Google.

For those curious about how many hits, it was about 30,000.

Thanks for your help,

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